What U give for the LOVE of God

What U give for the LOVE of God

Seharusnya kalimah syukur itu adalah yang selalu menjadi ucapan kerana banyaknya kasih sayang Allah buat hambaNya.kita.

Dan selayaknya kepada Dia kita kembalikan kasih sayang itu.

I just want to share what Mufti Omar Sherif had said during TOF.

 “…..As for him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allah and fears Him,And believes in Al-Husna.We will make smooth for him the path of ease (goodness)…” (92:5-7)

Quality of person that enter Jannah
1) Gives
2) Fear Allah
3) Be true muslim

“…But he who is greedy miser and thinks himself self-sufficient. And gives the lie to Al-Husna.We will make smooth for him the path for evil…”(92:8-10)

Quality of person that loss
1) greedy
2) proud of himself
3) lie


“ If you want to count the favors of Allah, you will never be able to number them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.” (16:18)

Sungguh nikmat Dia tak akan mampu kita hitung.kasihNya Dia tiada yang mampu nafikan.dalam setiap langkah kita pasti ada nikmat yang hadir.

Tatkala kita merasa ada nikmat yang hilang, percayalah Dia sebenarnya menggantikan nikamt itu dengan nikmat yang lebih besar.

“O mankind! Remember the Grace of Allah upon you! Is there any creator other than Allah who provides for you from the sky (rain) and the earth? La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He).
How then are you turning away (from Him)?”(35:3)

Lets we take a few example

# 1 Body
He gives us body without any lacking and it is our turn to make sure we use His nikmah usefully.
Why not we use the hand to do good job. We use the eyes to see His creation. We use the legs to go place that He likes; mosque.

#2  Wealthy
He gives us wealthy.
 So the wealth that we own from Allah can bring us to Jannah or the other side.
Believe that if we spend lillah, for sure Jannah is the reward.
Use everything that He gives to us in the path of Allah.
For the sake of ISLAM.
Why not we try to be like sahabah.
They compete with each other to done charity.
Even they are nothing, they willing to gives.
Whatever you give or spend in the way of Allah will be returned to you in manifold increase. Allah, the most Beautiful and the most Loving, commends:

“…Lend onto God a goodly loan. Whatever good you shall forward on your behalf you shall find it with God, as better and richer in reward..”. [al-Muzzammil 73: 20.]

whatever you spend on yourself is only for your temporary sustenance while whatever you spend in the way of Allah is an investment in your future for which will provide everlasting sustenance. Seek to invest in others for your own benefit with whatever Allah has endowed you.
Moga Allah redha.

The end

By: Raihanah & Kak Nai


GIVE A LITTLE LOVE By Sh. Abdul Rahman Chao
This session!! Allahu! Superb + Ohsem + Amazing +……(dan sepupu papatnya. Eh! Hilang pula BI)
Since this one was quite details + long talk by Sheikh Abdul Rahman Chao then I’ll make it short. As simple & afford to read. SubhanAllah!! The speaker was succeeded to deliver the words of love just giving few examples. He totally unraveled what was actually it’s meant to give a little love and how we supposed to show the affection of love to surrounding.  It was unnecessary to see others was stunted by his energetic talk, even myself was stunted and touched.
#Example 1
Let me make it in BM. More understandable!!
Kisah Rasulullah SAW di bumi Thaif.Baginda menemui suku kaum Tsaqif dengan penuh harapan bahawa penduduk Thaif akan menerima risalah dakwah yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah SAW setelah baginda diherdik dan dibenci oleh orang Quraisy. Namun, balasan yang diterima oleh Rasulullah SAW dari penduduk Thaif sangat mengecewakan apabila mereka menolak risalah dakwah yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah SAW. Bukan itu sahaja, malahan penduduk Thaif yang terdiri dari golongan hamba sahaya, anak-anak kecil dan orang-orang jahat dari kalangan mereka mengekori beliau sehingga tiba ke kebun anggur, iaitu kira-kira tiga batu dari bandar Thaif sambil mencaci dan melemparkan batu kepada baginda sehinggakan tubuh baginda luka dan berdarah. Rasulullah SAW berlalu pergi dari Thaif dengan perasaan yang amat sedih sehinggakan Allah SWT mengutus Malaikat Jibril a.s. Malaikat Jibril menawarkan pertolongan kepada Rasulullah SAW untuk menghancurkan penduduk Thaif dengan menghimpitkan dua bukit supaya tiada dalam kalangan penduduk Thaif yang hidup. Namun, Rasulullah SAW menolak tawaran dari Jibril a.s dan baginda SAW berharap bahawa Allah SWT akan mengeluarkan dari tulang sulbi mereka keturunan yang akan menyembah Allah semata-mata, tidak disekutukanNya dengan apa pun.
Dari kisah ini dapat kita lihat baginda SAW menempuhi cubaan yang hebat namun baginda tetap bersabar dan tidak pernah sekalipun berputus-asa melainkan terus menerus memanjatkan doa kepada Allah S.W.T agar diberikan kekuatan kepadanya.

Beginilah qudwah hasanah yang ditonjolkan oleh Nabi S.A.W kepada umatnya yang ingin membawa dan menyambung usaha da’wahnya di muka bumi ini. Atas kesedaran yang jelas bahawa tugas ini adalah tanggungjawab setiap individu muslim dalam apa jua keadaan dan situasi, haruslah usaha dan kefahaman itu disampaikan dengan langkah da’wah Nabi S.A.W. serta segala sunnahnya dalam da’wah. Itulah langkah da’wah yang panjang tetapi asli, langkah yang jauh tetapi pasti. Selain itu, dalam keadaan baginda yang kesedihan dan kedukaan, baginda tetap mengharapkan kebaikan dari mereka. Itulah satu bentuk pemikiran yang ideal bagi para da’ie yang ingin memperjuangkan kalimah syahadah di muka bumi ini. Tindakan Rasulullah ini merupakan satu bentuk tindakan yang memaparkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW boleh bersikap rasional walau pun dalam keadaan yang mana emosi baginda terganggu dengan kata lain  baginda bertindak tidak mengikut hawa nafsu. Perkara penting yang cuba di highlightkan di sini adalah jalan da’wah ini tidak akan pernah lengang dan sunyi dari ujian dan dugaan. Inilah jalan yang sukar tapi pasti. Oleh kerana itulah harus disemai sifat rela berkorban, bermula dengan kehendak dan himmah yang tinggi dari dalam diri demi tertegaknya kalimah syahadah di segenap pelusuk muka bumi.

#Example 2

Pada suatu ketika di zaman Rasulullah SAW, ada seorang lelaki yang ‘membuang hajat’ di tempat wuduk di masjid. Lalu, apabila dilihat perbuatan itu oleh para sahabat, mereka terus menegur lelaki itu dengan keadaan yang marah. Pada saat itu, Rasulullah SAW yang juga melihat keadaan itu, menasihati sahabat agar membiarkan lelaki itu menyelesaikan ‘urusannya’ dahulu. Selepas itu, baginda SAW memanggil lelaki tadi dan menegurnya dengan cara yang berhikmah dan lemah-lembut. Lelaki itu dapat menerima teguran yang disampaikan oleh Rasulullah SAW dengan baiknya.

            Dari kisah ini, dapatlah kita contohi bagaimana sikapnya Rasulullah SAW yang masih mampu memberi nasihat secara lemah-lembut walau pun lelaki itu telah membuat perkara yang sememangnya boleh mendatangkan kemarahan dan menguji kesabaran seseorang.

Imam Ahmad Radiallahu Anhu telah berkata:

 “Manusia memerlukan kesopanan dan kelembutan dalam melaksanakan suruhan kepada perkara makruf, tanpa kekerasan melainkan lelaki yang menonjolkan dan terang-terangan melakukan kefasikan dan kerosakan maka wajib ke atas kamu mencegahnya dan mengzahirkan perbuatannya itu kerana seorang yang fasiq itu tidak mempunyai kehormatan dan dia tiada maruah” (lihat Al-Amru Bil Makruf wa Nahyu ‘An Mungkar, karangan Imam Al-Khallal, m.s 35)

#Example 3

Semasa Rasulullah SAW sedang berdiskusi dengan para sahabat di suatu tempat. Tiba-tiba datang beberapa orang anak kecil yang sedang berlari-lari disekeliling tempat baginda bersama-sama para sahabat duduk. Namun, apa yang Rasulullah SAW lakukan kepada mereka adalah mengajak anak-anak kecil itu untuk turut serta duduk di situ bersama-sama baginda dan para sahabat.

            Mesej yang ingin disampaikan di sini sangat jelas bahawa Rasulullah SAW adalah seorang yang menyayangi dan menghargai kanak-kanak. Cuba kita bayangkan bagaimana anak-anak kecil itu dilayan sekiranya kita yang berada di tempat Rasulullah SAW. Adakah anak-anak kecil itu akan dilayan dengan penuh kasih sayang begitu di saat kita sedang riuh-rendah berkumpul dengan sahabat-sahabat kita, di mana watak anak-anak kecil itu mungkin boleh menjadi pengganggu kepada situasi dan mood kita yang ceria ataupun penting tatkala mereka berlari berkejaran disekeliling kita + kebisingan mereka. Hmm…tepuk dada, tanya iman!

Allahu akbar!

Sahabat-sahabat sefikrah sekalian, sy ingin mengajak kalian untuk menjadikan Rasulullah SAW sebagai qudwah hasanah bagi setiap langkah perbuatan, perkataan dan pandangan kita dalam menjalani perjalanan dakwah dan tarbiyah ini. One of the ways is give a little love when you spread the words of Allah SWT like our Rasulullah SAW had done years ago.

Firman Allah S.W.T :

Maksudnya : Demi sesungguhnya untuk ikutan kamu pada diri Rasulullah S.A.W itu satu ikutan yang baik bagi sesiapa yang mengharapkan Mardhatillah dan balasan baik di Akhirat kelak.                                                                                                                             (Al-Ahzab:21)

“When you show your love to other human, you are renewing their hope of humanity”
“When you show your love to others, the love will come back to you”
~Sh. Abdul Rahman Chao~
Wallahua’lam. J

By: Nabihah, Ainee Sarah & Kak Nana :)

A Day in Paradise by Sh Tawfique Chowdury

With the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.

Assalamualaikum w.bt.
This article is specially written for those people who are seeking for His love and bless. May Allah grant all of you happiness in dunya and hereafter especially, which we would be in Jannah insyaAllah..:),, this post is closely related to a talk during Twins of Faith Malaysia 2012 Convention in PICC conducted by Sh Tawfique Chowdury, founder and chairmain of Mercy Mission.

A Day in Paradise…A Life in Heaven…..An Eternal Happiness in Jannah!!

Allah Subhannallah!

 "And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it as he ought to strive and he is a believer; (as for) these, their striving shall surely be accepted." [17:19]

I start with a simple question: Why Allah s.w.t creates us?
And a simple answer would be…
Because…. He wants us to go to Jannah, He wants us to live there with Him..^_^, He did not create us to go to Jahannam. He loves us very much, He wants his servants to be close to Him and of course it is only in Jannah. There is no more ibadah in Jannah; no more hijab, zero solah and no fasting at all. And you know why? Because it is in Jannah is our eternal home and village, where we would spend the rest of our life with the love ones and of course with our Greatest Creator, ALLAH!

Oo Allah…I feel like deep inside me there’s a feeling where I really miss this place. I feel like I’ve been there before and I want to live there forever with you Allah, my love. It is a place where there’s no one in this world that could ever imagine or think about it. The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) told us that within Paradise are things that no eyes have ever seen, nor ears have ever heard, and that things in it are beyond our imagination and comprehension, but we all have our own personal ideas of what eternal bliss would probably be like.

Allah has described Jannah in many places in Quran and now has a look what He stores for His believers:

·         "The description of Paradise which the Muttaqoon have been promised is that in it are rivers of water, the taste and smell of which are never changed. Rivers of milk the taste of which will remain unchanged. Rivers of wine that will be delicious to those who drink from it and rivers of clear, pure honey. For them will be every kind of fruit and forgiveness form their Lord." [ 47:15]

·         "Verily, the dwellers of Paradise that Day, will be busy in joyful things. They and their wives will be in pleasant shade, reclining on thrones. They will have therein fruits (of all kinds), and all that they will ask for. (It will be said to them): "Salamun" (Peace be on you), a Word from the Lord, Most Merciful." [36:55-58]

·         Wearing the finest silk clothing and sitting on chairs made of gold and precious stones? Those who disbelieve in the words of Allah, say that this is all a fairy-tale, made up by a would-be prophet. But we know, that Allah is the Truthful and that His Messenger, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, spoke only what was revealed to from the Most Truthful. And even though Allah describes Paradise for us in the Qur'an, He still says, "So no soul knows the delights of the eyes which is hidden for them; a reward for what they did." [32:17]

The highlights on “A day in Paradise” are:

1. There're so many level of paradise. Each paradise has its own gates. Distance of each gate is about 500 years.
2. There's a little boy and little girl serving you a food
3. Jinn can't see us anymore, only we be able to see Jinn if we want to
4. When you see a tree and think that you want to eat some fruits, you will see fruits on that tree and the tree will bend and give you the fruits. JUST THINK.
5. Whenever you see a bird fly, JUST THINK and the bird will come to you as a BBQ if it is what you THINK. (Sheikh: Dont worry about your weight).
6. In Jannah, there's one tree called Tubaa tree (dont know how to spell it). This tree only grow for a soil of jannah (made up from saffron)
7. There's a Jannah from golden also from silver
8. There's so many pearl and ruby decorating the whole Jannah. If the Jannah is from silver so the pearl and ruby are in silver look.
9. A tent that made up of pearl, so high so tall, about 600ft tall. Sheikh mentioned that inside that tent, you'll meet your first wife.
10. If you see or know the beauty of women in paradise (including your wife), you'll die
11. The beauty of women in Jannah; white eyes, beautiful nose, amazing lips etc
12. We always young (if not mistaken; ~30)
13. River in paradise-can sees through
14. Pregnancy in 1 hour (if that what you want to)
15. You can have as many children you want to
16. You can freeze their ages (let say, you want to freeze to the 2 years old because you want to play with your children on that age-It’s possible)

Subhanallah! Can’t we see that how great He is? How much He loves us and wants us to be happy eternally? And yet we are still not grateful for what He has given to us. Oo my dear Muslims, this dunya is only for a while and always remember that the akhirah is our final destination. Don’t hesitate to do jihad or da’wa because there’s always a reward for what you have did.^_^Because He saw it.

 If you love Allah, you do whatever Allah asked and said. It is like when you fall in love with someone and you are willing to do anything for him or her and it is all because you love her and want to make her happy. You don’t feel any burden at all because you are really in love with him or her. We should do the same to Allah especially. You don’t perform solah, wear hijab or recite Quran because you have to, but it is because you love Allah and everything you do is because of Him.

“Oo Allah..Let us enter your Paradise and please don’t deny us...”

-Fairuza (Iefa)-

The Love Test

The Love Test
Sheikh Abdurraheem Green

One day, a sahabah came to Rasulullah and said,
“ya Rasulullah, I love you”
“Be careful of what you say”
“ya Rasulullah, I love you”
“Be careful of what you say”
“ya Rasulullah, I love you”

“Then expect poverty to come to you”

. . . . . . .

Life = Test.

. . . . . . .

Kita tahu, tiada siapa yang lebih berpegang pada janjinya selain Allah.

Dan antara janji2 Allah ialah,
“Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tested?”
(Al-Ankabut, 29:2)

Allah telah berjanji, bahawa setiap orang yang percaya - beriman (a believer) akan diuji.

Are you a believer?

. . . . . . .

Setiap satu inci kehidupan kita adalah satu dimensi ujian daripada Allah kepada hamba Dia. Subhanallah.
Whatever we hear, we see, we know, we achieve, we encounter. Whatever. Is a test from Him.

(Al-Mulk : 2)

Daripada lecture sheikh abdurraheem, it’s clearly stated.. yang sebenarnya, setiap benda adalah ujian sebenarnya. Bukan setakat benda yang terasa berat kepada kita. Bahkan satu nikmat atau kelebihan yang kita dapat dan sesuatu nikmat atau kelebihan yang orang lain dapat.

#1  Actions

“The love, the Sahabah had for Rasulullah, is a test for us. how we’re gonne act upon them

“transformation does not come just from talking, we have to act”

Ha kita selalu cakap, orang cina pandai-pandai kan??
“the chinese are not any more intelligent than us.
They’re given the same brain, the same body
Bt the difference is just their culture

And for every action, we have 3 conditions
1-      Iman
2-      Ikhlas
3-      According to the syari’ah

The first 3 to stand in front of Allah on the day of judgement are the mujahidun, those who give sadaqah, and those who read qur’an. Yet, all of them are thrown into jahannam. Because they did all those to please human. Not allah.

#2  Money

“How did we spend our money?
The sahabah don’t have much money to have thought of it,
But that’s what scared them most”

“what is our attitude to our wealth???”

#3   Islam

“Have you ever read the Qur’an cover to cover in a language you understand??”

“How much I spent studying secular subjects,
I should spend the same to study the book of Allah"

#4   Hardship

“Few months ago, my house burnt. I lost everything just like that.

I smile.
I know hundred percent, Allah will give me something better”

“If you push too much, it’s true you’ll break
But Allah will never break you”

“Through test, the most brutal extreme condition, we beacome better person.”

. . . . . . .

Tersangat merasakan sweetnya cara Allah memanifestasikan cinta Dia.
Tidak ada pada mana-mana hamba!

“the more Allah loves you, the more He tests you.
The one He loves most is the one he tests the most”

. . . . . . .

dapat tak konklusi dia?
1. every single inch of our life. is a test. We have to expect to be tested.
2. tests are signs of His love. 


. . . . . . 

Terngiang-ngiang kata-kata seorang murabbi suatu masa dahulu
“jalan ini bukan jalan yang dihampari permaidani merah dan ditaburi kelopak2 mawar.
Orang2 yang berada di atas jalan ni pasti akan rasai bermacam2 kesusahan dan akan teruji. Siapa yang rasa perjalanan dakwah dia smooth je,
Mesti ada something wrong”

Ujian di jalan cinta. Para pejuang.

Yes, I will soon be tested with what I’ve just said.

by: Diyana Nas

Twins of Faith 2012 -For The Love Of God-


Allah S.W.T said in the Quran,

“O ye who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded.”

In this ayat, Allah S.W.T clearly states that the fuel for the hellfire is human. The more men being threw into the hellfire, the more the fire’s flare. Allah states in this verse to save ourselves and our families from Jahannam. But that will only happen with His Command. If He does not want them to be saves, they will not be saved. Then, how do we want to help our families from the hellfire? Du’a. Always make du’a (prayer) to ourselves as well as for our families and what’s important is, trust Him.
Family. What obstruct our minds when we hear the word ‘family’? A warm relationship, the loves that spread among the family members, a close relationship with the one who knew us since the day we were born, that is what I’m thinking. What about you? 

But what happen in the real world today...

                In a restaurant, there is the father, the mother and the children. But each of them is busy with their gadgets. Every single one of them is with Iphone, smartphones, Galaxy Note, etc watching Youtube. The children are left and free to watch and to discover anything without boundaries. No communication as what we would expect. Kids today are so gadget-loving. If they are not controlled, it will be worse. Imagine a naive kid watch some brutal videos. What impact does that has on the kid’s mental development? While family, being in a restaurant should be happily chitchatting among each other, lively! That should be a stepping stone to enhance and strengthen the bond within the family members. But what happen in the world today?

As we know, every single authentic hadith will go back to the people who were closed to Rasulullah s.a.w. This indicates that Rasulullah s.a.w maintain good relationship with families and friends. Why not us? We say that we love Rasulullah saw. But why don’t we follow the sunnah?

Another point to ponder is why we would dress up so well to go out but not at home with our family? It seems like we pleased those we don’t know and flatter the strangers but we don’t please or flatter the one that loves us the most. A wife or a husband that loves us the most we treated them like trash. Same goes to the way we treated our parents. We don’t treat them the way they are suppose to be treated.

There are several categories with whom that we must maintain good relationship. The first one is the father-in-law and son-in-law relationship. This kind of relationship is the relationship that most of us think that it’ll start after marriage. Well, it’s not. It must start before marriage. But it is not always colourful but it is important to get the blessing from the father-in-law. As we know, the father-in-law of Rasulullah pbuh was Abu Bakr as-siddiq. Abu Bakr r.a was Rasulullah pbuh best friend and the companion of the prophet during Hijrah. During the end of life of Rasulullah saw, Abu Bakr would read the Quran for Rasulullah and kissed the forehead of the prophet pbuh. But now, when the father-in-law passed away, the son-in-law would say, “Alhamdulillah”.

             The next category is the relationship between the wife and the husband. I know this has nothing to do with us. But, it’s worth knowing as it would be something useful when we want to get married. First thing first, do not ever raise our voices especially when the kids are around. This is a basic rule of establishing respect towards each other for the husband and the wife. As if you cannot sit down to talk and discuss nicely. Don’t just shout to the husband or wife when things are not the way you want. Just sit down together and relax when there is something that you do not favor of is done by the wife or the husband. You can just talk and discuss when there is something that you don’t see eye to eye. What important is, without the presence of the children. Not just that, you also cannot just order the wife or the husband to do something. That is disrespect to the partner, treating him or her like a slave. Instead, you can say something like, “I like it when you bring back flowers (or any other thing that might be done)”. For instance, our Prophet PBUH didn’t yell or scream, call her by her name or insult the wives even though when the time Aisya r.a broke the dish that is cooked by another wife due to jealousy. Subhanallah. Rasulullah even drink at the same spot where his wife drank on the same cup or vessel! See. Rasulullah s.a.w is so romantic. The best husband ever!

And for the last but not least category is the parents and children relationship. Mothers of Imam Syafi’e and Imam Malik taught their children ‘adab’ before learning. But now, the mothers urge the children to learn and acquire knowledge before ‘adab’. Now, we don’t even know how to correct people nicely. Mothers during Imam Ahmad days sent their children to other people to be taught with ‘adab’. How many of the mothers today raise up their children by their own? Very little. Mostly will send their children to the day care centre. Later in life, the children will send the parents to the old folks home. That is the karma. Ask ourselves, are we devoting ourselves to our parents? And parents, are you devoting yourselves to your kids? Look at the children. They should be taught with ‘adab’ from young age. And for the children, look at our moms. How many times they changed our diapers? How many times they woke at midnight just to take care of us when we are sick? How many times they made our milk when we were a baby? How many times they put up with us? Countless times right? But what have we done to them? What have we contributed to them are not much compare to what they have done for us. 

How many of us text their mother and say how much they love their mothers? Why don’t we text our mothers how much we love them? It is very simple. Just text her and say that we love her. Is that hard? 

Now that we have grew up, we cannot just lock ourselves in our room when we get home. Don’t just go home and keep ourselves quiet and not talking to our family especially to our parents. Don’t let silence make us the bystander. Islam teach us to be nice to our families. 

‘All of us are shepherd and we are responsible for each of the flock.’ That means that each of us as a caliph is responsible for others. We cannot just sit back without do nothing to others especially our family. We cannot just ignore them. They are our family.

There were three messages that were given by Sheikh Daood to us. Firstly, do deen at home. Don’t just go home and do nothing. Love our family. Secondly, care for educating the children and lastly, educate the wives.

 ~By: Yasmin & kak Cam~