For His Sake Alone

For His Sake Alone! 
By Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim
written by : hani raihan

Saturday 24th December 2011

·         There is a weakness among ourselves, it is when people watching us, for example u feel like somebody watching you while you are praying.
·         That’s why we need Taufik every moment which arrive when u sincere in every single thing that we do.
·         We must be desired in approaching near to Allah.

For example :

There is someone who come to Rasulullah and said:
The guy:  Ya Rasulullah, I juz want to say that I love u so much.
Rasulullah:  Wait, are u seriously confirm of what just u said?
The Guy: Yes ya Rasulullah, i really love u and i mean it.
Rasulullah: If u seriously loves me, be aware, after this u will undergo hardship of ur life.
From this story, it is clearly stated if we choose to be with Allah, we will undergo the hard phase with the only reason which is to be with Allah.

·         Syaitan will always attack u (anak Adam) in many way, if we pray, they will disturb u until u deviate and think something else while praying. Their strategies are depend on our iman.
·         Sincerity is build by ourselves :

Before Rasulullah died, he already stated the following wife that will follow his way to Jannah(heaven) is the one who have longest hand.
At the moment, all Rasulullah’s wife measure all their hand between them.
After a few days or a few whatever (i don’t really remember, sorry!), Soffiya, Rasulullah’s wife died.
The wife that Rasulullah means was Soffiya who always generous to people who in need. This what Rasulullah means by longest hand since Soffiya was the shortest wife of Rasulullah.

·         Do not feel ease of everything that we have now.
·         Your sincerity reflected by :
1.       Private life
2.       Friends 
      - there is a friend of mine who is a ‘syaitan’ that drive us to hell
3.       Taubat   
      -we need to turn to Allah.
      -  Because Allah is the most forgiving, no matter how big or small  the sin is.            
      - Appreciate people around u.
Anything happen with His direction and we cannot join anything with Allah which mean we cannot let Allah be same as us who keep doing mistakes all the time.