Exemplary Love by Sheikh Omar Sulaiman

Wartawan muda : Amirah Noordin & Nadia Izati.


Exemplary Love by Sheikh Omar Suleiman.

In this talk, Sheikh Omar did told a story about Muhammad PBUH.
We must have been heard about a story when Muhammad PBUH worshiping Allah at night until his leg swollen. At that time, Aisyah RA did ask him, why he still worshiping Allah until his leg swollen because as we all know Muhammad PBUH is free from any sins (maksum). Then, Muhammad PBUH answered, “Is it wrong for me if I want to be a grateful servant to my Lord?”

Allahu, the Prophet who is free from any sins tried his best to worshiping Allah. But we ? if we ask ourselves, in every prayer, did we tried to be as grateful as the Prophet ? Sometimes, when we are too busy with these dunya things, we only give our last piece of time to Him.

But we are busy saying that we love Allah, we love Rasulullah. If we truly love Allah and the Prophet, what have we done to show our loves to them ?

How Prophet loves Allah SWT, that is the exemplary love that we should follow.

Cintanya Rasulullah kepada Sang Pencipta. Cintanya umpama seorang kekasih yang amat menyayangi buah hatinya. Cintanya terhampar seluas langit dan bumi.

Sheikh omar sulaiman juga ada tekankan yang “We are programmed to fall in love with Allah, but there are so many things in the way.” Jelas lagi nyata, itu fitrah kita sebenarnya, untuk terus mencintai yang Maha Esa. Untuk terus mengabdikan diri kepada Dia yang satu. Tapi dalam perjalanan mencari cinta Illahi, pasti ada halangan yang terpaksa ditempuh. Jika kita benar jelas dengan matlamat kita yang ini, pasti segala cabaran dapat ditepis dengan iman yang tinggi. Tapi cuba Tanya diri, mana level iman kita ?

“We always come to Allah when we are in hardships.”  Then, when we are happy, where do we put Allah in our hearts ? that’s why sometimes Allah tests us, so that we will come back to Him. He test because he loves. :)

Then, we always say that “mujahadah itu pahit”. yes, because hardships what determine LOVESLoving Allah will give you strength that no one can giveIf you truly love Allah, you can never replace Him with anything.  Indeed, He is very near to us.

It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein. [50:16]

 “Obligation is pleasure.” Bagi hamba Dia yang benar-benar inginkan cinta Dia, kewajipan itu menjadi satu nikmat untuk dia terus lakukan. Kerana dia tahu, bila kita kata kita sayangkan seseorang, for sure kita akan buat apa yang Dia suka kan ? if we love our mom, we will try to make her happy. That is the way that we should do to Allah Azza wa Jalla.

And we must remember one thing. “Allah might lend us bend, but He won't let us break. and Allah never shuts the door for those who are seeking Him.” He will NEVER shut the doors. Keep putting our efforts so that we will get his love. And insya Allah, with His mercy, may He rewards His Jannah to us. :)

p/s : sorry for mixing the language. may Allah bless :)